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2018 PCN Release Date and Information

Date Description
12/19/2018 BIOS PCN for correcting a typo in the BIOS display at boot-up.

Please contact your BCM representative with any questions pertaining to this change notice. View PCN
12/11/2018 Multiple product labeling PCN for compliance with California’s Proposition 65 labeling requirements.

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN
11/06/2018 Hardware and firmware change notice for the RX110H. These changes include adding support for locking type connectors on the GPIO pin-headers and a TPM firmware change to be compliant with recent Microsoft® Windows 10™ updates.

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN
10/30/2018 Hardware PCN for the OFT-10W01 (all models) replacing the touch screen controller due to obsolescence of the current controller as well as adding resistance to false screen touches due to moisture on the touch screen. This change will impact the current touch controller driver and O/S image.

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN
08/28/2018 PCN for including a warning insert into each carton in order to comply with California Proposition 65 regulations.  Applies to products: AR6MXCS, AR6MXS, AR6MXQ, BC67Q, BC77Q, BC87Q, BI255-1900J, BI255-255D, BI255-3160N, BI255-67QMD, BI260-87QD, BI360-81H, GC610GT, HT1900J, MX110H, MX110HD, MX170QD, MX1900J, MX255D, MX280NI, MX3160N, MX3350N, MX61H, MX67QMD, MX81H, MX87QD, PPC-10W-6300-CN128F, RX110H, RX170Q, RX67Q, RX77Q, RX87Q.

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN
07/16/2018 PCN for the BI255-MX3160N barebone computer. This notification reflects implementing the MX3160N motherboard changes published November 2017 into the barebones based on the MX3160N motherboard. 

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN

05/10/2018 BIOS PCN for the MX110HD adding wide range DC input power support and TPM 2.0 functionality to the MX110HD product.  We expect these feature enhancements to phase in late 2018. 

Please contact your BCM representative which any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN

04/24/2018 BIOS change notification addressing the Meltdown and Spectre security issue previous communicated by BCM in a product security bulletin sent out in January of this year ../download/PCN/BCM_Product_Security_Bulletin_Meltdown-Spectre_011818.pdf.

Please contact your BCM representative with any questions pertaining to this PCN. View PCN

01/22/2018 Bulletin regarding BCM’s plan for addressing the recently announce security issue referenced as meltdown and spectre as they pertain to BCM’s products. Thank you for your patience. View PCN